What Is EVfriendly?
EVfriendly is a program developed to instil consumers with greater confidence in transitioning from driving a conventional gas-powered vehicle to an all-electric or plug-in hybrid. For those drivers who have already made the switch to electric, we want to reassure them that their vehicle will be properly cared for by trained and qualified industry professionals. The program also offers support to help industry professionals to transition from servicing conventional vehicles to the new all-electric fleet of vehicles.
The program offers training, support and certification for the complete lifecycle of EVs, including the point of sale, towing and recovery, service and repair, and end-of-life. By choosing an EVfriendly service provider, an EV owner can be assured their vehicle is the hands of a qualified professional. It is all about connecting customers and qualified service providers.
While hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) technology also shows promise as a zero-emission alternative, at this time it is not as widely used in light-duty vehicles as battery electric technology. Therefore the EVfreindly program does not include HFC vehicles. Should HFC technology become more prominent in the future, our program may add corresponding information and training.