How to Become an EVfriendly
Collision Repair Facility
A Program Developed by the Automotive Retailers Association and its Strategic Partners
Becoming an EVfriendly-Collision Repair facility assures your customers that you and your employees are trained and qualified to care for EVs in a responsible and safe manner.
Best Practices
The following slide presentation details best practices to deploy as an EVfriendly Collision Repair facility.
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Best Practices
with EVs and their hazards, which is recommended for all employees who handle EVs.
employment regulations, transportation of dangerous goods regulations, etc.).
EVfriendly offers a basic EV awareness course dealing
with EVs and their hazards, which is recommended.
Collision repair shops that store salvage for ICBC are advised to take the EVfriendly towing course module for storage.
• Mitchell Repair
• Direct OEM Repair Access
• OEM Certifications
emergency response and evacuation procedures.
Best Practices
EVfriendly Training:
EVfriendly offers a basic level EV awareness course dealing with EVs and their hazards, which is recommended. Additional external EV training for collision repair shops is recommended but not required. Collision repair shops that store salvage for ICBC are recommended to take the EVfriendly towing course, which includes instruction for EV storage.
These courses are available on the ARA Centre of Excellence.